

Layla’s POV

I haven't slept a wink. Too afraid that if I closed my eyes something bad would happen to me.

I don't know how long I've been locked up down here in this cell, with these men eyeing me.

Ever since I got kidnapped, it's like I have lost track of time. I honestly don't know how long I've been kidnapped for. It could be a week, a month or probably a year. Ok I know that I'm exaggerating, because obviously a year hasn't passed by. Or has it?

Every day I would wake up thinking that this was just a terrible nightmare, that I would wake up from. And every day I would be disappointed as I realized that this is my life now.

Sighing I took a look around my surrounding. It was so cold in here and the lights were dim. The smell was awful; this room had a stench of death. I wonder how many people had died down here. Could I be next?

There was nothing I could do as I sat on the hard concrete floor, awaiting my faith.