

Unknown POV

/"Boss I have eyes on the target/" I said as soon as he answered the call.

/"Good. We will be executing the plan soon/" my boss responded in gruff voice.

/"Remind me again why you need this girl so badly?/" I asked, even though it was none of my business.

/"She humiliated me in public and I will not let the shit slide. I want my revenge/" he seethed through the phone.

You will have your revenge./"

/"Of course I will. Because you won't fail, now will you? You know what will happen if you fail/" he stated coldly.

/"How can I forget?/" I gritted out through clenched teeth sarcastically.

/"Do you remember the plan?/"

/"You'll attack the mansion as a diversion. I'll pretend to protect the girl, get her out of the house and take her safely to you/" I responded in a bored tone.

/"Oh, before I forget, you daughter says hi/" he replied. I could picture that sadistic smile on his face right now.