

Layla’s POV

/"We'll be staying at the safe house in Italy, but for our operation we'll be at Hotel Lungarno. Layla will be escorted to the club where she will seduce Alessandro Dmitriev/" Emilio said looking directly at me.

/"Layla here will have to gain his attention and eventually convince him to go back to her hotel room where we will be waiting. If he refuses to cooperate we will have to beat the information out of him/" he continued with a smirk.

They all lit up like a Christmas tree when Emilio mentioned the beating part. They were all sociopaths.

I sat quietly listening to what he was saying trying to mask the fact that I was freaking out on the inside. Just then a smirk graced his lips, so I was doing a horrible job of pretending to be fine. He could see right through my tough exterior.