

Noticing my shivering body, Luca nodded in my direction and Emilio let out a sigh as he walked over to me and gathered me in his arms. I didn't even realized how much I needed this, until my body sagged against his.

/"Let's get out of here/" he said opening the door.

/"What about him?/" I asked, looking at an unmoving Alessandro on the floor.

/"Luca will take care of it. Let's go/" he urged.

I nodded my head as he pulled me away, with me leaning against him for support.

We were back at the mansion and I felt much better knowing he was here. We were in his room because I had refused to leave his side.

He was sitting on the bed removing his shirt, while I stood awkwardly a few feet away. I couldn't help but stare at his perfect abs as he ran his hand through his hair, the muscles in his hands flexing. He had a few tattoos across his chest and arms, which only made him even hotter.