

Layla’s POV

/"So you're gonna be a dad huh?/" I heard a voice say.

I wanted so badly to open my eyes, but every time I tried to open them they just wouldn't budge. They felt like they weighed a ton and was too heavy to move.

/"Yeah/" another voice says.

I recognized both of those voices. I wanted to tell them I was awake, but every time I tried to open my mouth it wouldn't move. I was now forced to lay here and listen to their conversation.

/"You really like her, don't you?/" Enzo asked.

/"I guess/" Emilio answered.

/"You guess. Bro you just put your whole organization on hold for her. There is no way that you don't like her. No, scratch that, you love her/" Enzo said.

I could imagine that playful grin on his face as he mocked him. I bet it was priceless.

/"I guess I do/" Emilio responded.

/"Called it! Luca you own me a thousand dollars/" Enzo cheered.