

Layla’s POV

I felt a hand over the hand that I was resting on my pillow. I was more than certain that I went to bed all by myself, unless Emilio was back.

At the thought I immediately shot my eyes open. He was holding my hand even though he was asleep. I let a sigh of relief pass my lips when I saw that he was actually here. I couldn't help the frown that pulled on my lips when I saw his eyebrows furrow and his face contorting in pain.

I sat up on the bed and took a better look at him. A gasp of surprise left my lips as I got a good look at him. I couldn't believe it. He knew how much I hated it and yet here he was in bed in his shoes. Oh and his abdomen was also covered in a bandage, but I was more angry at him than I was worried.

He wasn't dead, so I could be as angry as I wanted. I hit him on his chest, careful not to touch his bandage covered abdomen.