

Emilio’s POV

/"Fuck/" I groaned as I rolled over on the bed and slammed my hand on the annoying alarm. I never really used it unless I had somewhere important to be in the early morning. Today I was taking my monthly visit to one of my companies.

/"Ten more minutes/" Layla mumbled in her sleep.

I guess the alarm woke her up too, but as I took a better look at her I saw that she was already sound asleep again. I chuckled a little at the cute frown on her lips.

I rolled out of bed and did my morning routine. After my shower, I walked in my walk-in closet and got dressed. I wore one of my many suits and slipped on one of my expensive watch. I walked out the closet and went in front of the mirror to fix my tie.

/"Where are you going?/" Layla said in a sleepy voice, yawning at the end.

/"Work. I already told you I have to go to the office today/" I said walking over to the bed where she laid.

/"Do you have to?/" she pouted.