

Layla’s POV

/"Are you sure about this?/" Emilio asked looking at me with concern.

Was I sure about this? Hell no.

Was I still going to go through with it? Hell yeah.

/"I'm fine/" I reassured him with a forced smile. I don't know who I was trying to convince, him or me.

/"We can go back home if you're not feeling up to it/" he suggested holding my hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

We were currently sitting in the car outside the warehouse where everyone was waiting for us. A few days ago I was sure that this was a good idea, but now that I was actually here I was scared. I was afraid that they wouldn't accept me, afraid that they would think that I wasn't good enough.

/"No. Let's get this over with/" I said getting out the car with his help before I changed my mind.