


Layla’s POV

I stood in front of the mirror and stared at the girl staring back at me. She looked different from the girl I knew not so long ago. She looked happy. I was happy. I couldn't help but smile at my reflection.

Today was the day. Today was my wedding day and I couldn't be happier. Ok fine, I was crying earlier. I was having a meltdown because I was afraid to walk down the aisle and not see the love of my life. Emma had assured me a million times that he was there, and after even more convincing I eventually calmed down.

I was wearing a long white dress that fitted me perfectly. It was a lacey off the shoulder dress that flowed behind me. My makeup was done to perfection and my hair was in a low bun with a few stray strands to frame my face.

/"You're on in ten minutes/" someone shouted from outside the door. At that I began panicking. I don't even know why I was panicking.