

Xavier's POV

He slowly pulled out a gun. He pointed directly at me. I wasn't fazed by it. /"She is mine./" he snarled out. A gunshot was heard.

The next thing I heard was a gasp.

I looked at what happened. My eyes went wide. I couldn't believe what happen. The only thing I see right now is red. I quickly marched towards the bastard and took the gun and shot in between his eyes.

I didn't get enough and kept shooting his dead body. Once the bullets were finished, I dropped the gun in the floor and went back to where I was standing.

I fall down, grabbing my girl as she lie in her own blood. She took a bullet for me. She opened her mouth to talk as she start cough blood.

/"Shh. Don't talk./" I said as I grabbed her and stood. I quickly carry her outside. Everyone stood still when they saw us. /"Someone get the car!/" I yelled as I cradled her. She tried to talk but I kept shushing her.