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Amelia's POV

Nathan and Angela have left early in the morning for the preparation of tomorrow night's Ball. Apparently since there wasn't a Luna, Beta female has to do everything.

But Angela has asked to go shopping as she needed to get a dress and so do I. I didn't want to attend the ball, but everyone has forced me to attend as it is a rule and if I didn't I might get punished.

So with no other choice, I agreed. So here I am waiting for Angela to pick me up. /"Hey sweetie. Who are you waiting for?/" my mother asked from the kitchen.

/"Angela. She said she wanted to go shopping./" I said as I scroll through the channels. /"Ok. I wanted to ask you something./"

/"What is it mama?/" I asked offing my tv as there wasn't anything interesting. /"Did you managed to find your mate yet?/" she asked me.

I sighed. /"Not yet mama. Why do you ask?/" I asked curiously. /"Nothing. Anyways, what do you plan on doing after this?/"

/"Well I wanted to psychology. I actually was about to ask papa about it. I can be the pack psychologist if the Alpha King allow./" I said thinking about.

/"That's lovely dear. Why don't you talk about it to your dad, once he back?/" my mum suggested. I nodded my head.

I heard the engine sound and knew it was Angela. /"Angela is here mum. Bye./" I said as I waved at her. I came out and saw Angela in a black car. I went to greet her.

/"Hey./" /"Hey ya./" We greeted each other before getting inside the car. /"So where are we going?/" I asked her as looked outside the window.

/"We are going to the pack mall. It has everything. You can literally get anything there./" she said excitedly. I chuckled at her.

/"So I heard that you guys have so much work. How are you coping with it?/" /"Well it isn't easy. But I am kind of used to it. I wish the Luna Queen is found soon./" she said hopefully.

/"I agree. From what I heard the witch problem is getting out of hand. And if there comes a war, its going to be difficult one without a Luna. The pack will be weak./" I said sighing.

/"Ya. That's why the King needs to find his mate his Luna soon./" after that we changed the topic. We talked about random things.

Once we reached the mall, we straight went to the dress shops. I didn't know shopping would be this difficult in my life.

We have literally went to most of the shops and nothing seemed to appeal her. My feet were starting to ache. I really wish this is the last store.

/"My feet are hurting Angela./" I said as I took a seat. /"Come on. Last one I promise./" she said umpteenth time.

Suddenly I heard her squeal. /"This is it. Perfect./" she said as she show me a burgundy dress. It looked perfect on her. /"You looked so good on it./" I said smiling.

She went to change back as I waited for her. As I was looking around, a white dress caught my eyes. It looked so good. It was a 2 piece dress. The top went around the neck as the skirt went down in layers.

/"You should buy it./" Angela said from behind scaring me. /"No./" I tried to walk away but she held on to me. /"Why not? You need a dress for tomorrow./"

/"I was planning on wearing a dress I already have./" I said trying to free myself but she was obviously stronger.

/"What? No. You are getting the dress. No more arguments./" she said giving me the stern look. With my mouth shut, I bought the dress. We did some more shopping and I finally got back home.

When we head home it was evening and Nathan was there. /"Hey baby sister./" he hugged and greeted me. /"Sheesh shopping with Angela. Must have been scary./" he said looking scared.

When Angela heard that, she hit him behind is head. He made an 'ow' sound as he pouted. I just laughed at them. They started arguing which consisted of Nathan saying sorry and she ignoring him.

I wished one day I have what they have. I sighed as they bid their farewell and left. I went up to my room and quickly had a shower.

When I came down mama and papa were seated for dinner. /"Hey papa./" I greeted him as I sat down. /"Hi princess. How was your day?/"

/"Painful, I went shopping with Angela./" when I said this he chuckled. /"You are the only female in our family who hates shopping. Should have seen your grandma and your mum./" he grimaced as if he remembered a painful memory.

I chuckled at him. /"Don't tell your mum I said this./" he whispered. /"Don't tell me what?/" my mum asked suddenly.

/"Nothing./" my dad and I said at the same time. She eyed us suspiciously before serving us. We started to eat. It was quiet without Nathan. I missed him. Maybe I should go and see him tomorrow,

/"So, princess, your mum said you wanted to ask me something./" he asked while eating the food. /"We'll talk once we are done with food. Can papa?/"

/"Sure. We'll talk in my office./" I nodded my head and continued eating. Once we were done, I helped my mum with the dishes and went to my dad's office.

/"Come on in, princess./" my father said as I entered. I took a seat in front of his desk. /"So what is it?/" /"I want to do psychology and maybe become the pack psychology. If that's alright with you and the Alpha King./" I asked him hopefully.

/"Does that mean you'll be leaving again?/" he asked with a frown. I chuckled. /"No papa. I'll go to the local college. They provide the degree./"

/"Well if that's the case, I am ok with it. Once you are done with your degree, we shall talk to the Alpha King about it. What do you say?/"

I nodded my head in excitement and went to hug him. /"Thank you so much papa./" I smiled. /"Anything for you princess./" he said hugging me back.

After that I went to my room and got ready for bed. I can't wait to go to college. With this thought I went to sleep.