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Mia's POV

Here I am standing waiting for the doctor to say something as he checked. /"Well he's statics are normal. Everything is normal. Just make sure he takes good rest. No stress for the time being. Follow the medication that I have prescribed./" he stated as he got his medical kit.

/"You sure doc? He's completely fine right?/" I asked worried. Both the doc and Damien chuckled. /"Im sure Mrs Mariano./" he assured me. I nodded my head at him.

/"I'll show him out./" Marry suggested. With her left, it was left with Albert, my mum, my dad and my sister.

Albert went and took a sit next to Damien. /"You gave all of us heart attack, my son./" he said as he pat his shoulder. Damien chuckled at that.

/"I'm a Mariano. We are tough./" he said with a smirk. /"That we are son./" he said as he suddenly hugged him. I just admired the moment.