


Should I trust her?

No. Absolutely not.

There is no reason for me to trust her, she's just a business colleague.

She's only helping me for 25% of the company, I remind myself.

I knew she was only helping for her own personal gain but it wasn't hard to let my mind wander and believe that she's doing it out of the kindness of her heart.

I didn't even want to control myself, I wanted to let myself believe that she was helping me because she wanted to.

Because she cared.

Kissing me in front of Sofia, dancing on me at the strip clubbing, wanting to sleep with me last night - I hoped she did it because, secretly, she still wanted me.

I knew that wasn't true.

She didn't want me, she mocks me.

It's all a game to her, how easily I melt in her hands.

The more control I gave her of myself, the more I would be a mockery in her eyes, and I was a mockery in her eyes.