


/"What's your plan tomorrow?/" Jasmine asks sitting on my sofa.

We were having a girls night as we had finally managed to steal Jasmine away for a night from her baby. Me and Jodie were drinking wine whilst Jasmine, who drove Jodie here, was sipping on juice.

/"I'm working from home tomorrow, have some meetings with Xavier./" I say.

/"She's working from home so that she can get some./" Jodie sings, slightly buzzed.

I just roll my eyes.

/"Actually./" I clear my throat /"I'm leaving Kings tomorrow and thought it's better to do it privately, no paparazzi around./"

/"Ohh./" Jasmine pretends to understand.

/"I need to go home./" Jodie says drunkenly, showing me her lock-screen.

Message from Leroy.

/"Yeah yeah I'll take you to your hook up./" Jasmine mutters under her breath, offering to drive her.