


I take a deep breath and click send.

I tap my fingers anxiously against the glass desk.

Did I do the right thing?

What if he refuses now?

I take a deep breath and calm myself down, what's the worst that could happen? He would just say no, I would have to find another company to work with and I could still get the partnership with Mr. Chopra.

Or he could agree to work with me.

I would have to see him everyday for hours upon end to make our partnership a successful one, in just a month.

I don't know which one was worse.

/"I did it./" I confess as I walk into Jodie's office.

/"Did what?/" She asks mindlessly, engrossed in her work, she pauses for a minute /"oh you did that./"

/"Yup.../" I don't know what to say.

/"But I thought that wasn't even an option./" She wonders.