


I decide to not think about Xavier dating Sofia at all throughout the entire party.

Of course Sofia wasn't going to tell me, why would you tell your friend you're dating her ex husband?

/"It's time for the sex reveal!/" Jodie shouts, as soon as she's back from getting her car. Everyone crowds around Jasmine and Dylan who have a toothpick in their hands, ready to pop the balloons.

Jasmine is wearing a tight white dress with a white blazer placed onto her shoulders and Dylan is in a white shirt and white pants.

/"3, 2, 1.../" Jasmine whispers to Dylan excitedly, it was such an intimate moment between them, that I felt like I shouldn't even be looking.

They both pierce a balloon each and the hot pink glitter falls onto them. They both look so shocked, and give each other a long hug.

All the guests cheer loudly and then Jasmine cuts the white cake to reveal the pink sponge cake inside.