


/"You're thinking about her aren't you?/" Leroy throws a pen at my head.

/"Thinking about who?/" I ask even though I already know who he's talking about.

/"That chick with the curly hair, that you kissed in your office./" He smirks.

/"I'm not thinking about her./" I clarify.

/"I'm in the same boat as you man./" He scratches his neck awkwardly /"can't stop thinking about mine either./"

/"Let's try and focus on the work then./" I change the topic.

We were going through the plan to boost profits, since now I knew why the sales were dropping. I had to make sure that as soon as Kings Corp is back into my hands, completely, it was back to being the best.

After a few minutes I see Leroy chewing the end of his pen nervously.

/"What's the matter Leroy?/" I ask.

/"Nothing,/" he brushes off /"carry on./"