


/"I'll see you tonight,/" she says sweetly and leans in to kiss me. I'm guessing it was meant to be a quick kiss, but I pull her hips in.

Her eye have a mischievous twinkle as she realises what I'm doing and she snakes her arms around my neck. She bites my bottom lip, giggling at her bravery.

Before anything could escalate the door knocks again and Lia quickly leaves, hiding her embarrassment from whoever was at the door.

I straighten myself out and sit down before letting the person at the door in. It was Mr Walker. I gesture for him to sit down.

/"I came to ask for a personal favour./" He starts.

/"I'm not a fan of helping people Bradley,/" I say coldly. Regardless of how sweet or caring I was with Lia, she was the only one who could see that side of me.

No one else tested me like her, but no one loved me like her either.