


Fluid jazz music was playing throughout the hotel as Xavier and I walked as in hand in hand, first time as a married couple. All the guests cheered as we entered the venue where the reception was held.

The music changed to a slow classical song, that I again had never heard of, for our first dance.

/"Let's have our first dance, my bride,/" Xavier whispered huskily in my ear as his hands made their way to my waist. I threw my hands onto his strong shoulders and we began to slowly sway to the music.

/"You know...I've never heard of any of the music that has been played today,/" I confess to him.

/"I had an orchestra write brand new music for our wedding./" He says, and I just roll my eyes.

/"Of course you did./"

It felt surreal, as if I was transferred into another paradise with Xavier, my head resting on his shoulder held in his embrace. It felt safe.