


/"Good afternoon my boy!/" My dad greets me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

/"Hey father./" I greet back.

/"So how's the married life treating you?/" he asks as we both sit down in his office.

/"So far so good,/" I nod /"I was surprised that you weren't at the wedding though./"

/"Son,/" he begins /"I don't understand why you married her. She doesn't add value to the business and she isn't from a high class background./"

His words angered me, /"It's not always about money, I married her because I fell in love with her./" I lied.

/"Well I'm sorry Xavier, but I do not support this marriage and honestly I don't see it working./" He says.

I was silent for a second and realised how he was be right since me and Lia would divorce soon. /"I don't care whether you see it or not./" I say and walk out of his office.

/"You okay bro?/" My brother, Eric, asks as he walks past me.