

Leaving me to fend for myself.

We waited for about 2 hours just talking and playing the interesting game when I heard the horrendous sound of a helicopter I could see the leaves outside spinning around against the cabin windows.

/"I never got your name/" I say turning back to him as we watch the said helicopter land on the wet soggy ground.

/"William, you can call me Will if we ever meet again/" he reaches out and brings me in for a hug. His arms enclose around my body.

I'd be more than happy to visit him if I ever come to Ireland again, perhaps without Henry.

/"Kristina/" I mumble wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders. It was a comforting hug I felt warmth cascade around my body almost like I was hugging family.

Was this how it felt to have your father wrap his arms around you?

When I stepped out of the cabin I met the brown eyes of a man that looked super out of place. I almost felt sorry for him. When his eyes met mine though my breath halted and we were shunned to a standstill.

Super cliché I know but when you see someone this perfect looking and sexy at that, you will stop breathing or feel that deep sensation in your chest.

He took a step towards me and that's when I was knocked out of my daze. This man may be beautiful visually but looks were deceiving.

/"You're not going to say thank you /"he says crossing his arms over his rather muscly chest. Not that I was looking or anything.

/"Uh... thanks but you don't have to be so cocky about it/" i said back. Why are rich men such assholes.

Did he want me to clap?

He chuckles behind me, keeping quiet whilst I grab the water from my bag and drinking all of its contents. Hopefully, it stays that way.

/"At least let me take you back /"he walks forward and stands before me.

/"of course, you're taking me back you /" I stare at him my arms stretched out by my sides. I give him the what the fuck look.

His face transforms into a grin /"well c'mon then I'm sure you're dying to get home, and I've got a business to run/" he says as he pushes me towards the helicopter.

I hated myself for liking the feeling of his large hands on my back.

/"I'm dying to get away from you/" I mutter brushing past him and walking up to the jet. He must be filthy rich if he can afford this type of helicopter.

He did say he had a business to run, Tina.


I tried my hardest to not seem like I was having fun but this is the first time I've flown in a helicopter in my life and I could tell he was showing off slightly.

Watching Ireland from above was beautiful, the green lands still looked phenomenal even with the thunderstorm and I couldn't help myself I had to take some shots for my website later.

After 40 minutes or so I instantly recognised the city streets lit up and I realised how beautiful the city was at night.

/"how do you know William/" I ask him suddenly I'm acting nice and its probably the best thing to do considering he came and got me from being stranded on a mountain.

His lips lift into a smirk that has me smiling with him. Hate to admit it but he looked sexy with his mouth like that but I wasn't going to tell him that.

/"Will and I are very close especially with my family he used to work for my father as a driver but he retired 10 years ago/" he informs me, I guess his dad is rich as well.

/"is your dad famous or something/" I ask being a little nosey I mean I'm not a stranger to business but I can't put my finger on who this man is.

/"you could say that/" he says not an inch of embarrassment he almost sounded proud to say it. He passes over his phone and I look at the screen.

I glanced at the screen and there was a picture of three people, on the picture a young girl was standing in between two people when I looked at the man I vaguely recognised him but it was the woman on the right who had her arm linking with his arm that caught my attention.

/"she's your mother?/" I ask him, my voice raised slightly catching him off guard.

/"so, you now my mother but not me, I'm hurt really/" he says placing his hand over his chest.

/"I've been following her books and blog since I was little she's an inspiration to me/" I say with pride, being lonely with barely any family leaves you to find love in something else and her books gave me the motivation to get through the hard times in my life.

/"she is I agree with you on that one/" he pulls back his phone from my lap and places it back in the little slot at the front of the helicopter. I move my legs to the side trying to ignore the heat passing through them.

/"do you want to meet her?/" he suddenly asks me making me stop thinking altogether for a few seconds. He better not be playing with me.

Who wouldn't want to meet the famous writer, Loretta Tessoro. It would be an honour.