

Music was always something I enjoyed; I was very passionate about it. When I was in university, I met Tammy who dragged me to the bar and practically shoved me onto the stage.

At that moment I wanted to Kill her for even putting me in that situation but I ended up writing a song and my friends would play it, it was my way of making some money on the side but when my studies kicked in I ended up dropping singing.

This morning I woke up early to go out and find another job. The hotel was under investigation so there wasn't much we could do but someone had to pay the bills. We luckily had insurance but that was solely for the hotel.

I spoke to a few companies about giving me a job but they needed to pass my application to the right people and said that they would get back to me. We all know what that means

I walked through the market after grabbing a burrito and finding somewhere to sit. I kicked off my heels and let my feet breathe.

From a distance, I could see a little boy playing in the street. I grabbed my heels and moved closer.

As I moved closer I recognized the voice it was clear to me that he was already a very good singer, he had this rasp to his voice which suited the song well.

I found myself singing along to the song since it was one of my favourite songs still to this day.

I was in the moment that I didn't realize that the song had finished, I opened my eyes and was momentarily shocked to see the boy standing in front of me. He stood tall with his guitar staring back at me.

/" Hi/" I waved at him.

He grinned before stepping closer /" Hi, do you like to sing too/" he asked. It was strange his normal voice was a lot different in comparison to his voice when singing.

/" you can tell huh?/" I offered him a smile back, he was alone out here in the streets of London so the least I could do was give him an encouraging smile. I would hate to be alone out here singing.

/" well, you're the first person to stop and listen and sing along. Would you sing with me, my next song?/" I stared at him.


I haven't done that in such a long time, especially in public too.

/"what song do you want to do next?/" I asked him as I went to stand next to him. I don't know what made me want to join him but what have I got to lose, plus it would be a great distraction from all the stress right now.

Thomas whispered a song into my ear and I eagerly nodded my head liking his taste of music.

I could hear a few voices behind, I peek over my shoulder and see that we have a large forming crowd behind us.

A few other street musicians walk towards us and they talk to Thomas for a brief moment before we all sit down.

I'm guessing it's not just me. /" Hey I'm Justin and this is Jessie/" they introduced themselves.

smiling I take a seat next to Thomas and give him a bright smile telling him I'm ready.

We played Thomas's song, he chose a James bay song which none of us complained about. I was singing with him but I couldn't take my eyes away from the happy look on his face.

We finished the song and listened as the people around us started to clap and cheer.

Before I even have time to look at Thomas, he comes running into me nearly knocking me over. I laugh little rubbing his glossy blonde hair.

/"Thank you thank you Retta./" I laughed as I hugged him back. It was my pleasure. As I looked at him closely I noticed that he had tears in his eyes. I quickly knelt down and embraced. /" hey Thomas why are you crying, I hope that these are happy tears,/" I say to him trying to lift the mood.

Eventually, Thomas lifted his hand and showed me what was in this hand. /" Thomas, where did you get al this, close your hand quickly,/" I said thinking about what would happen if people saw him carrying that much cash.

/" I saw someone come by and put it in my hat, I can't take this all you all helped me sing I should share it with you,/" he said staring at the wad of cash in his hand. This wasn't just some 10-pound notes or anything. There was a couple of '50s in there too.

/" No kid, we were just helping you you're the real star of the day that's all yours,/" one of the musicians said coming to stand next to me.

/" although a boy could use some money for lunch/" One of the girls that joined us slapped this guy round the head. He was obviously joking.

I turned to Thomas /" hear that. Look if you're really that worried I can find out who gave the money, do you remember what he looked like/" I asked him.

His eyes lit up /" yes, I've seen him on tv before./" he grabbed his phone from his pocket and went straight to Instagram.

/"I saw him too. Its kind of impossible not to notice him with that gorgeous body in that Armani suit and tie, damn I could really /" The girl fangirled over this man. How did I not notice this, I was literally right next to Thomas. He must have worked fast.

/" hey, that's Nathaniel Tesoro, he's the rich guy who donates to art schools,/" the guy said looking over Thomas's shoulder where he pulled on a picture.

Tesoro, that name rings a bell.

/"Girl, how do you not recognise him,/" Jessie says staring at me.

/" to be fair that photo is not what people see when they hear that name/" Justin swiped left and picked a post where he was now in his all-black suit.

Now as i actually look at it i can start to recognise him from online but nothing that really matters to me.

/" alright well Thomas. For the meantime, you keep the money okay and i will find out from this guy and let you know. Here take my number/" i grabbed his phone and added myself into his contacts and send a message to myself.