

2 hours later we're in an Uber on our way to kook, kook is an amazing night club it's actually pretty new but I've heard it's a really popular one. Many of our guests from Nevada hotel go to that club and let me tell you something they don't always come back sober.

/"Promise me you'll have fun tonight Retty/", Tammy says grabbing hold of my hand. I nod my head sending her a weak smile. After a few drinks, I should be able to let loose and have some fun.

/"We're here/" tammy shouts as she jumps out of the taxi.

/"Sorry /"I quickly say to the taxi driver handing him the money, /"she drank before/".

/"Keep the change, /" I say quickly following Tammy inside.

/"I'm going to get us some drinks okay/", I shout over the music as I point in the direction of the bar. It wasn't too late so the bar didn't have a long line.

/"Sure, babe meet me in that section over there/" she points to a seating area in the corner.

I shimmy my way over to the bar ordering two sets of tequila shots and vodka mixes.

I make my way to Tammy and immediately stop in my tracks at what I see before me. Tammy my best friend talking to none other than Nathaniel.

The devil himself.

I turned back around before he could see me. I didn't want to even be near him, who would Tammy be talking to him.

Tammy doesn't seem to be talking but I know she is listening, Nathaniel must be doing all the talking.

Probably spouting some lies to her. No doubt he's seen the article about what actually happened but even with that I know how he really feels about me and I don't want to hear another word from his mouth.

/"Would you like to dance miss/"

A voice from behind says. I turn around to see a very handsome man he looks to be in his early 30's he is wearing a clean-cut suit and has the most cutest dimples ever.

Nodding I take his hand and lead us both to the dance floor.

Luckily for me, my friend is tonight's Dj, I signal for him to play a slower song, not so slow that we need to slow dance but just enough to set the mood. Gold slugs by Dj Khaled comes on, perfect.

For a while, we just move together but his dancing is a little weird so I quickly link him with some chick who's been staring at him for the last 20 minutes.

I never had a problem with dancing alone it's when I feel the most comfortable, I start to move to the music, swaying my hips while I run my hands through my hair and down my body, soon tammy joins me moving in the same way as me but suddenly pulls a guy to dance with us.

Thinking that I'm becoming outnumbered I step out and walk over to the bar again.

/"I'll have a margarita please,/" I say to the bartender who's talking to a man who I can't see since he has his back to me. The girl seems to be annoyed by my presence so she just carries on talking to him. Blatantly ignoring me.

/"Hello, can I please get a drink,/" I say frustrated with this woman.

I was about to turn around and get out of this place before a voice pulls me back. Very familiar, the same huskiness and power. Him

Nathaniel Tesoro

He was standing behind the bar making me a drink, he's removed his jacket so now his muscles are more visible for me to see and for my attention to become diverted, great.

/"your margarita, sorry for the wait I will make sure she is fired,/" he says shrugging his jacket back on. I nod silently taking a sip from my drink. I managed to go by my word of not speaking to him.

Wow, he can actually make a drink, there I was thinking he had no talent. Which is pretty ignorant of me actually. How can he make sure she is fired you'd have to be the boss, wait oh, of course, Nathaniel obviously owns this club. Businessmen always like to have their foot in a lot of different enterprises.

I quickly finish my drink slamming the glass back on the bar. I quickly scan my eyes over the club hoping to spot Tammy somewhere . I find her she's in that seating area with a few other girls. Tammy has an act for making friends when we are out.

She's seeing someone too so I doubt she will be flirting with any guys.

I start walking through the crowd heading towards my best friend. I offer my apologies to all the people I accidentally nudge, but only earn some disgusted faces when they realise it's me who pushed them.

Walking through the crowd my mind casts back to a certain brown-eyed billionaire. Lost in my thoughts i suddenly feel a strong arm circling my waist, it pulls me toward a chest a rather hard chest.

The harsh impact causes me to fall slightly which makes my hair fall down on my face covering my features completely.

A finger is placed under my chin where my head is pushed upwards. I still can't see anything but somehow it doesn't matter right now. The way his fingers are so gentle on my skin.

Butterflies erupt in my stomach, if it wasn't for his tight hold on me, I would be on the floor with my weak legs.

/" Can we talk, I really need to talk to you, Loretta?/" Nathaniel says.

/" I think you've said enough Nathaniel. I have to go/" I pushed away from him and stumbled back to Tammy who looked at me with worry.

She nods at me while grabbing both our purses before leading us out the back of the club.

As soon as I'm outside I stop. I'm gasping for air my chest feels right almost like I can't breathe his

When we arrived back at the house I laid down on my bed after kicking off my heels. Tammy stood at the side of the bed just staring at me.

/"You like him don't you,/" Tammy says still staring at me.

/"No I don't have a crush on him he's just really intimidating,/" I say playing with the material on my dress. She sends me a weird look before she heads to her room probably to get some sleep.

I don't know but he seemed calmer and more genuine when he asked to speak to me tonight. I knew that by now he would have understood the meaning on my visit today and probably heard from his family about my parents too.

Would I be stupid to give him the chance to really say sorry?

I slowly get underneath my blanket and drift off into a sweet slumber with only one person on my mind.