

I feel attacked.

/" do you still want that promotion darling,/" she asks sweetly.

I was appalled by their behaviour, clearly, they don't mind blackmailing their daughter.

I didn't speak to them once as we drove to Tesoro industries. I was growing anxious with every mile, the last time I was here was not a good moment for me so you can understand why I'm feeling like this right now.

/"Loretta/" a deep voice calls as we enter the building after dad had a little catch up with the man guarding the door.

I looked up and saw Nathaniel walking towards us, his legs taking long strides, his eyes focused on mine.

/" Nathaniel, it's great to see you again/" my dad stepped up when Nathaniel was met with my silence. Nathaniel eventually looked away from me and to my father. /" likewise, it's been a long time. I want to introduce you to my wife Hannah I don't believe you've met/"