

I haven't spoken to Nate recently even though he's always brought up in conversations by my dad. Nate made sure to rush me out of the restaurant and didn't even think about shoving me into the car so that we could get out of there.

Pictures were all over the internet with us together. The media had now started to make the connections between his family and mine.

Luckily for me we had barely anytime to talk as he pulled up to the hotel and ran inside without even saying goodbye.

Nate is such a powerful man and a heartthrob to many women. He was featured in the latest vogue magazine talking about his rise to fame and what he wants for his future. Mum keeps telling me to read it she said I should but to be honest I don't want to.

Nate actually designed our new reception all by himself and my lord he is one hell of an architect the place looks Amazing now. But I won't tell him that. I'm sure gets told that every single day.