

I ripped my hood off and stormed to Tammy's room where I was sure that I would find her and George. It was only 9 in the morning and I had just finished a class at the gym when I received the email.

It's been about a week since I stormed out of Nate's car, I admit it was a little dramatic but frankly he is not my first concern right now. This morning I was emailed by an editors assistant who wants to publish my book? What book you may I ask, well I would like to know that answer too.

I asked Hannah to find out what book she was speaking about and 10 minutes later she came to me with an online book which was a collection of my blogs that I wrote in College. The only person I can imagine being responsible for this was George.

I knocked on her door before opening the door. At this point, I didn't care if they were naked I needed an-swers.