

Nate finally sat next to me, he placed a cup of coffee in front of me, I could smell the strong aroma of coffee, it was strong.

/"How does it taste?/" I ask as Nates tastes his first bite.

/"Here/" he says feeding me a bit of sausage. He placed it between my lips, I wrapped my lips around the fork and chewed.

My eyes snapped back open. /" what kind of sausage is this?/" I asked surprised, it tasted so good.

/" It's from Germany, i stayed with a couple whilst travelling there once and they like to send me there own sausages whenever they can/" he explains to me. I continue to eat it, I couldn't get over how good this tastes.

/" well keep them coming because they are delicious/" I said between bites. This is refreshing, after spending most of my nights in uni with vegans I was happy to finally not feel guilty about eating meat.

Nate chuckled as he took a sip of his water. Both me and Nate finished our breakfast comfortably.