

The next morning

I woke up earlier this morning just so I could be awake before Nate did.

Last night Nate had a nightmare he woke up gasping for breath at about 3 am he said it was nothing and just went back to sleep.

I cuddled up to him I didn't want to burden him all I wanted to do was show him I was here give him that comfort he needed.

I quickly slid out of bed and crept to the kitchen.

I wish I could've made him a cooked breakfast, but I didn't want to one poison him and two I didn't want to wake him up.

After about ten minutes the order I asked for came to the apartment door. George had told me about a place in London that Nate loved to have for breakfast so ordered from them.

I walk from the kitchen and head back to the room, Nate has turned over, but his chest is gently rising and falling telling me he is still sleeping.