

/"No/" I sullenly said reaching up and dragging my body back to the position I was in previously. It wasn't long before Nate joined me in bed. His hands finding my hips and pinning me against his.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep again, I just hoped that Nate was able to as well.

I woke up at around 9 in the morning to the sounds of laughter not far from this room. I turned over and ex-pected to see Nate laying down next to me, but it was empty. I wasn't mad, I knew that Nate would want to entertain his family downstairs.

I checked my phone and found some messages from my mother. She wanted to check if me and Nate were okay after last night. My parents must have headed home and not stayed over. I mean the house was big enough and had enough rooms to accommodate my family and Nate's.