

Nate POV

/"Jealous are we /"

I Ignored Daniel's comment, my eyes focused on the girl filling up my glass with even more tequila. I could see her looking at me from under those lashes, her lips wet from licking them as she walked over here.

Honestly, I'm not sure why I even agreed to come here for Daniel's birthday. He wouldn't even care if I did-n't show up but I didn't want to be ignorant, dan's a good friend of mine when he's not being a prick.

George wasn't the only one pissed at what happened between me and Loretta. Dan makes sure to make my life a misery by constantly reminding me of what I've done. But there comes a time when I want to pound my fist into that shits face.

/" Why would I be jealous/" I replied casually, even though I was finding it borderline impossible not to look over at her standing near the bar.