

The drive to this restaurant was short. Nate led us up to a restaurant that let people eat on a large open bal-cony that overlooked the city. As I walked over to our table I couldn't help but admire the beauty of Paris.

/"Thank you sir/" I said sweetly as Nate pulled out my chair for me. He shook his head. /" Just sit down Loretta/" he mumbled. Teasing me with that grin that I have honestly missed so much.

As soon as we were comfortable a waiter came over and poured us complimentary glasses of wine. /" Bon-jour, may I start you on our fresh baked bread for a starters/" the man said. I looked behind him where an-other waiter held a platter of fresh bread with a variety of toppings and spreads.

/" Bonjour, yes please/" I spoke since Nate was obviously waiting for me to decide. I could sense that Nate was letting me make all the big decisions. Almost like he was scared of taking control. Scared I might run away.