

It's just not going to happen when I'm this sober.

/" Tina you don't need to bring drinks he's a millionaire /" she watches me as I grab a glass of wine.

Her voice lowers when she sees me tilt my head back and down the whole glass.

/"Right good idea I think/" she mumbles before grabbing her keys and pushing me out the door.

There was me thinking she would encourage me to do that.

Being at this house again felt strange. There was many cars parked outside the house.

Very expensive ones at that.

Rachel dropped me off in good time. I was still late I know that.

There was a guy at the door he had buff arms that were confined in a blue button down shirt with a simple tie and jeans.

I was worried that he wouldn't let me in.

But as soon as I stepped up he smiles at me and takes my hand.

/" Kristina you are going to kill my boss tonight/" he kindly compliments me as he pushes open the door to the house.