

The doctor was about to place the baby on my chest when suddenly I felt the biggest pain I had ever felt.

/"its too much, I cant handle it/" I said my eyes closed tightly as the pains came in and out like waves.

The last thing I heard was Renzo shouting and pleading to me to keep my eyes open but unlike most days when I obey everything he tells me I just couldn't.

/"sir I need you to step outside for a few minutes we need to access the condition of your girlfriend/"

Throughout the next hour I was in and out of consciousness. Half the time I was just screaming from the pain that I had and then there was also peaceful times when I would imagine that my parents were here with me.

They were alive in my mind. Both of them gleaming with pride as they looked over at me. I pictured the unique structure of my mums face, the beautiful dress she wore that flowed down to her knees.