

Both myself and Nate were at a mutual agreement that we didn't want to end the night just yet. Nate drove us to a dessert place that he said was mainly private and that we wouldn't be interrupted there.

Nate held open the door for me as we walked in. I was also very aware of how fancy we looked coming to a dessert place like this.

/"what would you like/" Nate asked me as he stood next to me looking over the menu. I turned to face him. /"surprise me/" I said.

He smiled down at me, his hand playing my ponytail. /"if I am surprising you should I be aware of any aller-gies/"

Good idea can't imagine any of want our night to end like that.

/"oh yeah almonds, I'm allergic to most nuts actually/" I told him. I used to think my parents just that so I wouldn't eat peanut butter, but I actually am severely allergic.

Nate leant towards the women and whispered our orders so that I wouldn't hear. I found the gesture all too cute.