

Once arriving I told him to head home. Once I entered the building amy met with me. She had jeans on with a simple vest top and she looked exhausted.

/" well you look like shit/" I comment walking further and wrapping my arms around her. She laughs into my shoulder.

/" I haven't been home in three days selly cut me some slack/" she whacked me on the arm. I loved this girl. We worked on a collab about a year ago and have been good friends since.

/" heard that you've been around the city looking for a dress,/" she says pulling me towards another room. Her building looked similar to mine but she had fewer people working here so she didn't need all the space.

/"how did you know, what it that obvious/" I laugh wondering what's being said about me now. Fashion designer shopping for a dress, what a weird concept.

She practically drags me into a room smiling. I was too busy watching my steps that when I lifted my head I was in awe. The room was transformed into a woman's dreams. There were mannequins covered in beautiful gowns from simple to complex. Pretty to sexy.

I could feel her gaze on me, I knew she was probably nervous about what I would say but fuck that I had no words.

/" you're definitely making one huge comeback/" I mumble stepping forward to admire the closest dress to me. The dress was simple and elegant. A white and black silk gown that had a beautiful neckline. I was in awe.

/" do you think they're good enough, it's not too much right/" she mumbles here eyes glancing from each dress.

I turn my head /"I could slap you for that statement/" I say angered that she doesn't think this is worthy. Technically were competitors but fuck, she has truly done justice with these gowns.

/" I always know you're honest when you get angry/" she laughs I can see her body relaxing finally. I'm pretty sure she hasn't shown anyone her work yet.

/" I want you to wear one tonight, /" she says walking around the room. She had to be careful not to bump into any of the dresses and oddly that was humorous to see.

I did a double take. /"what/" I exclaim my eyes widened. I mean I wasn't betting on it but I was hoping she would let me wear a dress. But not from her brand new collection.

/"oh yeah, this dress is designed for your body come here/" she beamed at me too excited. I could only laugh at her chirps of happiness as she pulled a dress out from behind a hidden section.

I don't think I was mentally prepared for the dress she was about to reveal but as soon as the sheet was removed as she stood aside. My heart took a turn for the worse.

/"no no no, I could not possibly wear that are you kidding me Amy/" I groan at her. My heart is already telling me to grab the dress now but if I was her I would keep it for myself.

She lifted her hand at me. /"my decision is already been made. I want you to promote it tonight okay and I don't want you to fight me on this/" she warns me. Fuck sake this woman is impossible.

We have a glaring match for about 2 minutes before I close my eyes shut. I could hear her faint claps as she already knows that she has won.

She knows me too well, I can't say no to a beautiful dress.

/" she said yes/" she screams before two girls come out from behind. They all seem to be pleased which only makes this easier for me.

I shake my head at them and place my bag down before running to hug this angel of a designer and friend on mine.

3 hours later I was practically being shoved into a car by Amy once we realised I had to go home and get ready. The girl's help put the dress in the car and send me on their way.

/"don't say anything about a new collection, just kind of tease them alright/" Amy informs me as she places a kiss on my cheek.

I goofily smile into my phone. I almost felt excited about this event now. I started to decide on how would wear my makeup and style my hair. This is probably the only thing that gets me excited and now I couldn't wait for tonight.

I read an article on tonight's event. Apparently, some business mogul was getting a lifetime award tonight and we were celebrating him and many others. Seems like a pretty fancy event I don't think I've been to an event of this scale before.

As soon as I got home I headed for the shower and started on getting read. Jake had organized a car to pick me up and I'd meet him there.

I decided on a soft glam look for tonight and soft curls to drape along my back since my dress was backless. The dress fit like a glove, at first I was slightly worried about it ripping because I was on the curvier side but luckily there was a zip that made it much easier to put on.

I met Jake as soon as I got into the building. He wore a tailored suit that made him look rather dashing. These ladies will surely be on him tonight. not that Jake was going to pursue anything he's rather strict on mixing pleasure with business.

that's why I love working with him, he never fails to meet his goals and takes the business very seriously.

/" You look beautiful Selene,/" He says as he pulls me along with him to the carpet. there were many famous faces here standing in front of the cameras as they filed into the venue.

jake was instantly pulled into a media frenzy as they started to ask him numerous questions which went along the lines of what he wearing and also about possible love interests.

I, on the other hand, was pulled in the direction of the photographers who were eager to get my picture. I smirked as I knew that they could see the dress for what it was. it made me look sexy, beautiful and most importantly classy something I always strive for when attending these events.

/"over here Selene/" they shouted at me forcing me to turn my head over to them. I was never difficult with this part of the event I actually found this to be the most interesting part.

I did my job for amy and showcased her dress for the world to see, did a quick show of the slit of my dress by moving my leg. all the right poses that would get me the best pictures.

I was living in the moment until I was not the center of attention anymore. a limo had just pulled up to the carpet and a couple was stepping out. jake took my hand and walked me inside the venue to find us our table. which thankfully was near the stage.

I had about 10 minutes before it was my turn to present an award to someone but first, it was one of the much bigger rewards that a lot of people were excited for. A lifetime achievement award which in business can mean a lot more than what people think.

After taking a glass of champagne from the waiter she spotted a tall dark handsome man being introduced to on the stage. Her lips just perched on the glass as she moved her eyes down his form. Noticing the light highlighting his muscular body. The glasses looking sexy as they sat on his nose. She was about to ask Jack who the man was but she didn't hear the murmur as her attention was fixated on the desirable man speaking out to the room with such passion and dominance.

The man finished his speech and raised his glass up to the crowd gracing everyone with a dangerous smile that no doubt that all girls soaking their panties.

I fidgeted in my seat as the mere thought of it.

/"delicious she whispers/" her eyes never leaving the man as he saunters off the stage and down the steps.

Much like every single female in the room. she was fascinated.