

When I stepped foot into the office, I could tell everyone was surprised. Whispers could be heard and Jake's head popped out of his office and his eyes were narrowed.

/"what the fuck are you doing here go home/" he barked at me clearly so happy to see me at this moment in time.

/"no, we've got a campaign I need to work not sit home and watch scandal Jake/" I've got bark too.

The girls around the office only laughed since even though Jake acts like my boss I don't put up with his shit. We basically built this company together so he can pipe down for all I care.

/"fucking hell/" he spun on his heel and slammed his office door causing me to stand there utterly shook for a few minutes.

Where's the banter?

Before I could go into the office, molly gave me a sad look before going into the office. There's only one girl that can calm down Jake and that's molly. Milly is a sweet thing until someone pisses her off but she is very close with Jake.

I want go gossiping but they definitely have something going on.

/"3 of our models pulled out last night,/" one of the girls told me showing me three pictures of the guys we originally had ready to model the jackets that we were selling. Jake created our streetwear brand from the very bottom and this means the world to him.


Now were going to have to find some models ASAP.

Just when I was about to sit down at my desk molly came back out of the office. Followed by a much calmer boss.

Jake finally was about to get on with work without his head threatening to explode. I left him to sort that problem and started on my work. Jake would definitely kill me if I don't finish these designs by the end of this week.

Everything was somewhat peaceful until a girl probably about my age came storming out of the room. I recognise her as the makeup artist we booked for the shoot but doesn't look like she's just grabbing a coffee.

I sighed before standing up making my way inside. Did he really just scare off the makeup artist.

As soon as I stepped inside, I noticed Jake standing with his arms across his chest. /"don't say a fucking word/" he said staring blankly at the wall. Honestly, I have no idea how I manage this man. He's great at what he does but he seriously has some anger management issues.

I looked over at the girl sitting in the makeup chair, she had her eyes all glammed up but the rest of her face was still in progress. I think its time we start expanding our glam team budget because this is ridiculous.

/"stop staring at nothing go do something,/" I told Jake pushing him out of the room. If he isn't going to sort it looks like I'm going to have to.

He grunted before walking out barking order at someone else instead.

/"I hope I didn't ruin anything, I really don't know what happened/" the girl shift in the chair. I felt so bad she thought it was all her fault. I shook my head walking up to her. She was young I knew that I was the one that messaged her to come in for this shoot.

She was keen though and who am I to get in the way of an aspiring model.

/"no, you did nothing wrong my boss is just stressed since nothing seems to be going right today/" she smiles at me clearly, she didn't feel bad anymore which I was thankful for. I moved over to the boxes I had piled in my office.

I had boxed of makeup products here that I haven't even opened yet so I grabbed a few things and headed back to the girl. Jack mouthed thankyou when he saw what I was doing.

He better be buying dinner tonight I swear to god.

I proceeded to finish this girls face applying light coverage and red lipstick to her lips since that was the colour theme of the shoot. Just as I was finishing her off three guys walked into the room.

Give me strength.

3 hot guys walked in which meant that the 2 girls that were already here were trying not to stare too much.

Thankfully my work had finished and I could finally get back to my peace. Jake was now in his element as he watched on. The shoot was promoting our brand-new line of trainers which I something completely new to our brand.

When everyone started to leave it was 5.30 and it was beginning to get dark outside. I took this as my opportunity to leave and visit my mum. Visiting hours have finished now but since the doctors love me, they always let me in.

I drove the 30 minutes to the hospital after buying a slice of her favourite cake. Knowing her she hasn't eaten anything that the nurses have given her so I'm sure this will do the convincing.

/"it's going to take more than cake to calm her down tonight,/" my mums doctor said passing me. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug that I wasn't expecting at all.

It didn't take me long to find my mum sitting up in her bed her eyes fixed on the tv in her room. They were still reporting on last nights events and obviously I was there right in front of her eyes.

/"please don't torture yourself watching this, did you know empire has a new episode,/" I said walking in and placing the cake neatly on her table.

3.. 2..1

/"oh my god my baby come here, you could've died last night my sweet princess/" I had to rush over when I saw that she was pushing herself to get out of bed.

I let her wrap her skinny arms around me and be my mother for a few minutes.

/"mum I'm fine, look at me still beautiful right/" this was my way of attempting to lift up her mood. But she only glared at me. The strict mother glare that she gave me countless time when I was younger. Trying to sneak back into the house late at night.

I was going to grab a chair but she pulled me onto the bed.

I sighed, there was no point in arguing with this woman no matter how sick she is feeling she is and will always be the boss of me and don't mind that in the slightest bit.

/"you had Dr David's thinking I was going to have a heart attack why didn't you call me after?/" rats, I knew I should've called her or even a text for Christ sake.

I bowed my head in regret.

She lifted my face up giving me her beautiful smile. /"it doesn't matter anymore baby, you're here now that's all that matters/" this woman, I swear she never fails to amaze me.

/"now pass me my dinner so I can eat that delicious cake/" she points over to the plate of roast that the hospital prepared for her. I smiled, I knew she would eat if I brought this cake. Mum always had a sweet tooth she said my grandfather was the exact same.

I watched her for the next 15 minutes as she slowly ate from her plate. I could see the shadow of the nurses as they tried to hide themselves but they were watching me. They do this every time I visit mum.

They say I'm the happiest when I'm here, which isn't strange I am with my mum here. I admit I do genuinely smile in the presence of her. Out there in the business world, I have a mask that I let people believe is really me.

You have to string, brave, confident in the eyes of many judgemental people.

/"that dress was beautiful last night, you looked amazing darling,/" she says scrolling through the pictures on my phone. Mum loves seeing me in beautiful dresses which isn't surprising she did have her own wedding dress business.

You could say that's where I got my talent from, coming home from school and seeing girls dress up in beautiful gowns. Unfortunately, she had to stop when she got ill but the passion is still there.

/"I was gifted it mum, this other designer she is amazing you'd love her actually,/" I said taking m phone back before she started reading my messages like the nosey woman she is.

As soon as I did a nurse came in and took the plate away. She looked relieved when she saw that mum finished the whole meal. Thanks to the cake of course. Which by the way she is already halfway through?

When there was no nurses or doctors in hearing distance, I brushed her hair preparing her for bed. I decided to tell her my plan that I've been handling all by myself.

The plan to get my mum out of here.