

/"It's really important to me that Benny likes you Nick/" I said to him as I laid on the sofa waiting for the time to pass by.

I decided that today I wanted the two to meet before my event tonight which Ben would be driving me too. Nick didn't want to come to this one since its one of these influencer events that they do.

Lucky for him, I would rather not go but my boss seems to think I need the exposure and said I should leave my boyfriend's bed for once.

He also happened to say of this in front of the whole office which started a whole wave of whispers between everyone.

/"why wouldn't he like me/"

/"Don't try and laugh about this I'm not joking Ben is so important to me/" I told him. I didn't want to put too much pressure on him, but this means a lot to me.

Nick saw the look on my face, he walked over to me pushing hair away from my face and kissing em softly. /"don't worry baby /"