

/" I'm about to throw up?/"

/" Are you serious we're right outside her office and you choose now to tell me/" another voice replies.

/" It didn't seem that bad when I was at my desk/"

/" it's just Selene, she won't bite your head off just go/" I heard a bang against my office door.

Do these idiots know that I can hear them clearly? This is ridiculous. I haven't Stepped out of my office all day.

I've been trying to get my dad's birthday sorted out and that meant helping with organizing the celebration and also fully completing the gift for him.

It definitely wasnt an easy process.

Jake seemed on board with this whole idea of creating a unique sports collection with the centerpiece being a sports jacket. The one that I would be giving my dad would the only of its design made for him.

/" Hey Selene, so pretty much everything is on track,/" My intern said finally walking inside.