

I sat on the stall near his kitchen island.

/" Nickolas was very drunk lastnight /" she started off by saying.

Well I know that.

/" ofcourse, the whole world can say that/" I commented.

She glanced up at me /" have you even spoken to him?/" she asked me. I could sense the hint of annoyance in her tone which didn't really sit with me.

/"look, me and Nick have been seeing eachother for a few weeks now and I know that means very little but no girl wants to be treated how he treated me last night. He missed my dads party and instead went out drinking without even letting me know/"

I had no idea who this girl was, just because I was maybe more successful that didn't mean I was better than her.

/"but have you given him the chance to explain, if you think a guy like nick wasn't going to play around whilst being with you, you are sadly mistaken/" she pushed on.
