

/" He was never malicious in any way. He even left the city to find a better life, I can't imagine him purposely trying to scam people/" I know that I didn't know much about him, not now. But if I go from what I knew from him before I just cant see this happening.

Nick turned to me. /" just be careful, he knows you and jack are successful and are earning big so he might just be using you/" Nick implies to me.

I sighed deeply. /" we weren't just friends Nick, we were all pretty close he would never use us not like that/" I was confident in this.

Nick narrowed his eyes. /" how close/"

I rolled my eyes at this. /" we didn't fuck if that's what you're asking/"

He leaned in further. /" no, I'm asking if you had feelings for the guy. But if you did fuck him that information would be valuable too/"

I had to laugh.