

Jack seemed to want to move the conversation on, but I could tell he didn't know how to handle that.

/"thanks well, what are you doing here in London and how long are you staying/" I asked him.

Originally, I was going to hold back but now he's managed to annoy me I don't see the point.

/"well I'm trying to get back into the uk market. Searching for sponsors and what not/" he shrugged his shoulders. Well that make sense why he was at Nick's office.

Silence washed over us three. This was only plain awkward now. But luckily for us a man stood behind Andre and said something discreetly to him.

/"looks like I'm needed again. If I don't get to speak to you two again tonight it was great seeing you and hope that we can really catch up again/" Andre made the move to hug both of us.

It was awkward as hell.

/"definitely/" Jack replied, and I nodded.