

/" I'm sensing some hostility/" I commented. /" can you believe the kid thought he had a chance with me. I don't care if you've got 5 million subscribers don't fucking touch me/" she said in a high pitched voice.

I knocked my head back, laughing. /" what did your boo think about that?/"

Hannah smirked at this. /" oh he found it funny, laughed at his face when I told him/" I can actually imagine him doing that.

I went to go grab the wine but stopped as Hannah grabbed my arm and pulled me back. /" before you go any further, tell me about you and saint Nick/" she raised her eyebrows, wiggling them.

Nick? I quickly grabbed my phone but there was no message from him. It was getting close to ten, surely he would be back by now.

/" don't ignore me bitch I need the juice/" she complained as she snatched her phone from my hand.

/"hey/" I shouted.