

Nick brought his arms around my back pulling me tightly against his chest. His fingers moved my hair away from my face. /" what are you afraid of baby/" he asked me, staring in my eyes. I instantly looked down. I was probably blushing hard.

/"am I that easy to read/" I said leaning into him.

/" to me you are. I respect that you want to have a break from how we were before you left and that's fine with me. I love how you don't accept my behaviour just because of my status and I'm willing to make It up to you no matter how long that takes Selene/" he said as he stroked my cheek tenderly.

/" what if its longer than you want/" I said.

He chuckled with his deep voice. /" taking into consideration how you already want me to touch you Selene I'm not too stressed about that/" he said with a smirk.

Damn him, but he was right.