

/" you haven't changed one bit,/" I said walking further into his office and closing the door behind me.

He smiled /"you have, hardly recognise the shy reserved girl I used to know/" that's how he always saw me.

I went into his open arms welcoming a hug that I had missed for a long time.

/" surprised it took you this long to finally come to see your coach and to make it even better you're only here to use me/" some people might think he was serious but I knew he was joking. Not about me not coming to see him but he didn't mind that I come and use the team for my own personal benefit.

/" you're just so busy coaching the best team in the world/" he smirked at me. /" don't you forget it/"

Some say cocky I just say honest. He's been coaching teams for 20 straight years and it really worked for him.