

I wasn't even surprised when I met with one of the families drivers at the airport. The effect of my grandfather was still living onto this day and somehow that amazed me.

/" my beautiful little Girl you are glowing /" my auntie, Racheal said hugging me tightly. My first visit was at my grandfather's gravestone. I guess the word had got around that I was here. My auntie burst through the doors of the family quarters in my grandfathers house.

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her, welcoming such a friendly face. My mother stood not too far behind with her brother staring at us. I don't know how long it has been since my mother stepped foot in this house but I was relieved that she decided to come for this.

/" Hey Rach, hows my favourite Auntie/" I said pulling apart and taking a quick look at the tiny blonde that she is. Mom had died her hair a dark Brunette which I can say was the only real difference between the sisters.