

Watching Aika with the team was the perfect distraction. I was well aware that they were taking advantage of cheering up Aika as a way to not be in the gym at the minute, but I really wasn't going to complain because I was more focused on making sure Aika wasn't going into her sad thoughts.

/"This woman seems good; she has experience in the professional field/" Ryan says handing me a piece of paper with a list long of experience and referrals.

You may be wondering what we're doing but we all had a meeting yesterday and we decided that it was in our best interest to get a medical nurse and practitioner for the whole centre. We all are increasing the training for all the teams.

That may be good for the results but that also comes with consequences so a medic on the team is our best call at this moment.

I moved my eyes off Aika swimming in the pool with Jenny and looked down.