

/" Coach, you've got some serious issues/" Kyle commented as i kicked the ball across the carpark pissed that i couldn't even get it up.

He ran to get it before it hit a car.

You might be wondering what i'm doing but tonight i was joining the football team as we go watch them play an important match.

Theo wanted me to come along, something about bonding with the team since we've never been on good terms.

/" Okay guys into the bus/" Lance shouted finally arriving. The boys filled up the bus. Jenny was coming with us as well, obviously to support her boyfriend.

/"Move francis' ' Theo barked at the grinning boy who moved to the seat in the only two available seats that were next to each other.

The guys snickered behind him.

/" oh c'mon theo man./" francis groans. But Theo didn't waiver. Kyle successfully managed to drag francis to the back. Theo told me to slide in fIrst, which I did.