

/"I don't care if it was a joke Scott, you gave me a fucking heart attack/" I smacked Scott around the shoulder. I am more than positive that my heart just stopped right there.

/"It was funny though/" he sighed as he laughed.

I glared at him. /"I didn't know you enjoyed my near-death experience Scott, now go get changed/" I pushed him into the direction of the changing rooms in the big sports centre.

Today was the day everyone had been training for. We got here two days ago so that we could all get comfortable before the event. Theo was flying in this morning, but I haven't seen him yet, but I don't really have the time to be thinking about him.

Today it was all about the students. Bryony, Scott, and the twins were aiming for gold medals today and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous for them.

The amateur competitions were this afternoon whereas the professionals were tonight which gave us time to get ready and watch later.