

There was a time where I thought I wouldn't be able to go on without the guidance from him but with my strong faith I managed to get through it.

/"oh, look at the sky?/" I came back to Theo. He was staring to the left out to the large window.

He pulled my hand and guided me to the window. The nights sky was beautiful especially with all of the lights lighting up the sky.

Theo wrapped his arms around me. /"you still seem stressed; you know that they can handle themselves right/" Theo said his chin resting on my shoulder.

I sighed deeply. /"it's impossible for me not to worry about them Theo, after what happened last time/" I couldn't go any further if something happened to bryony or any of them. They are under my supervision.

/"Ryan's here, if something doesn't happen tonight it's his responsibility, you really need to relax Elle/" he whispered.

I knew that he was right but it's hard to just switch off.