

/"To Liz and her success,/" Jessica said raising her glass. I watched my beautiful best friend stand with her eyes bright and proud.

I had just finished signing with a publisher and it wouldn't be long before the world would see my book on their shelves.

/"To Liz/" the girls cheered for me.

Jessica had organised a break in Italy for all of us. she was adamant that I needed some time away from all the stress of Leon. I really appreciated the effort and I loved her for looking out for me however I desperately wanted to be back with my son.

He's growing up so fast and I'm struggling to keep up with him. Leon was strict on having him while I was away. originally, he was going to stay with my mom, but he was adamant on having him.

/"who knew that the Book worm would have her own/" Haley said taking a sip from her glass.